Letošnja skupna tura med prvomajskimi prazniki bo med 23.4. in 2.5.2016. Plezat se gre na SARDINIJO. Zaradi velikega zanimanja in nižje cene trajekta vas prosim, da čim prej oziroma najkasneje do 9.3.2016 pošljete prijave Mateju Kastelicu na mail: mtj.kastelic@gmail.com.
Upamo, da bomo tokratno turo deloma pokrili tudi iz društvenega denarja.
Torej prijavite se, da naredimo spet eno ta pravo skupno turo.
Sardinija – Cala Gonone
Za lažjo organizacijo prevoza se TUKAJ nahaja tabela z razporedom po avtomobilih. Prosim, da se vpišete.
Nakup vozovnic za trajekt : https://www.corsica-ferries.co.uk
- Do Livorna: Kranj -> Livorno: Iz Kranja mimo Benetk, Padove, Bologne, Firenc do Livorna – 580 km – CCA 6h vožnje
- Zanimivost – par minut od Livorna Pisa (Leaning tower)
- Trajekt: Italija(Livorno) -> Sardinija(Golfo Aranci) Povratna karta cca 320 eur/avto (avto+4osebe)
- Trajekt vozi čez noč s prihodom na Sardinijo v jutranjih urah (obstaja se opcija podnevi, je hitrejsa vendar drazja)
- Pristanišče Porto Aranci -> Cala Gonone(Kamp): 140 km cca 2h vožnje
- Lociran v centru Cala Gonone med borovci, supermarket, plaza, restavracija – cca 200 m oddaljeno
- Cena: 10eur/osebo/dan
- Možnost nastanitve v lesenih bungalovih(ceno še sporočim)
- V kampu: otroško igrišče :), WIFI, bazen, tenis igrišče, igrišče za nogomet In košarko, šeran gril plac
- Povezava: http://www.calagononecamping.com/en/camping
- Bungalow sleeps 4: 1 bedroom with 1 double bed, 1 bedroom with 2 beds, 2 bathrooms with shower, large equipped verandah with kitchenette.
The kitchenette is situated in the verandah and is composed of burners, sink and refrigerator, saucepans, dishes, cutlery, glasses, coffee maker and all necessary flatware to cook and eat. There is also a dining table with seats in the verandah.
From 20 April till 10 May 2016 Euro 70 for day for bungalow, included consumptions electricity – gas and water, bedding and cleaning final. - Bungalow sleeps 5: 1 bedroom with 1 double bed, 1 bedroom with 3 beds, 2 bathrooms with shower, large equipped verandah with kitchenette.
The kitchenette is situated in the verandah and is composed of burners, sink and refrigerator, saucepans, dishes, cutlery, glasses, coffee maker and all necessary flatware to cook and eat. There is also a dining table with seats in the verandah.
From 20 April till 10 May 2016 Euro 80 for day for bungalow, included consumptions electricity – gas and water, bedding and cleaning final. - Bungalow sleps 3 : 1 bedroom with 1 double bed + 1 bed, 1 bathroom with shower, equipped verandah with kitchenette.
The kitchenette is situated in the verandah and is composed of burners, sink and refrigerator, saucepans, dishes, cutlery, glasses, coffee maker and all necessary flatware to cook and eat. There is also a dining table with seats in the verandah.
From 20 April till 10 May 2016 Euro 50 for day for bungalow, included consumptions electricity – gas and water, bedding and cleaning final. - Bungalow sleps 2 : 1 bedroom with 1 double bed, 1 bathroom with shower, equipped verandah with kitchenette.
The kitchenette is situated in the verandah and is composed of burners, sink and refrigerator, saucepans, dishes, cutlery, glasses, coffee maker and all necessary flatware to cook and eat. There is also a dining table with seats in the verandah.
From 20 April till 10 May 2016 Euro 40 for day for bungalow, included consumptions electricity – gas and water, bedding and cleaning final.
Za vsakega se nekaj najde – od kičastih plezališč na plažah do večraztežajnih smeri in klasik.
- http://www.climb-europe.com/RockClimbingSardinia.html
- http://www.climb-europe.com/RockClimbingSardinia/Cala-Gonone.html
- http://www.ukclimbing.com/articles/page.php?id=3061
- http://www.peteranne.it/climbing/#/0/0
Sardinija ponuja neomejene možnosti za vse mogoče športe, tako, da kar vzemte s sabo kajake, kolesa, padala, kajte, krosle … Pa ne pozabte na plezalnike pa štrik 🙂
Vreme BO!
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